Access control, using keyless entry, allows you to secure your property for specified use.
You could, for example, specify that certain personnel have access to areas not accessible to others. This would be the case where stock is locked away to all but authorised personnel.
SPL access control systems cater for every type of property—from residential complexes through to hotels, government buildings, banks and high-security areas.
We are highly regarded for the design, installation and maintenance of keyless entry systems. This is reflected by our involvement in some of the country’s largest projects. Find out more about our project involvement here.
Keyless access control offers the following benefits:
Thanks to electronic locking systems, carrying bunches of keys is a thing of the past. In place of this, you can issue cards or codes to your employees to grant them access to various areas of your premises.
Being able to grant or remove access to an area through an electronic key card or by changing a numerical code is far more cost-effective. With keyless access control, you won’t be rushing to spend money to have the locks changed if an employee were to leave on bad terms. Their access can be deactivated immediately.
Restrict Specific Areas
Employees in many businesses do not have access to every office and floor. For instance, the HR department has its duty to protect the privacy of staff members, so sensitive documents would need to kept safe. Through individual settings, access control systems allow you to decide on exactly who goes where.
Track Employee Activity & Improve Accountability
When you have large numbers of employees, it’s not always practical to have say, reception staff, responsible for monitoring their coming and going. Access control can do this, even tracking what time staff enter and exit the building.
When employees know that their key access activities are being tracked, complying with policies and practices is generally improved.
Access control also means only authorised personnel can enter the building.
Keyless entry can also provide management with:
Comprehensive End User Management Software
In most instances, an end-user management software package can be installed, allowing access control credentials and permissions to be easily managed by the appropriate staff.
Along with the software, comes security control at your fingertips—the ability to lock and unlock doors, floors and security areas with the click of a mouse.